Cream Bath, Some Usages That You Don't Know
2017-09-16 19:05:32
For expired shower gel, do not use, after all this is chemical composition, have a strict requirement to shelf life. Although it doesn't feel like it's a short time, it can lead to some bad symptoms once it's piled up. So, is there any use for
cream bath once it's out of date? Let me introduce you to the other usages of cream bath.

Homemade hot oil treatment solution: with the glass against the half glass of shower gel, the solution first in the microwave heating and a half minutes, then let stand until the temperature is moderate, with solution soak hands or feet, 10-15 minutes the cause or the feet of dead skin will be soft or gradually fall off. Scavenging oil pollution: clean the hands with body oil with bath gel, and have a strong ability to decontamination, and it is not easy to harm the skin. Remove glue: residual glue on plastic, glass, metal, etc., as well as the traces of glue left by the trademark and price tag, can be cleaned by the shower gel. Remove scratches: when there is a scratch on leather products, such as leather handbag and leather bag, use a soft cloth dipped in the shower gel, and then polish it with a dry cleaning cloth. Get rid of chewing gum: the sofa, the carpet, the hair is covered with chewing gum, can put a bit of body wash on the above, and then gently rub, the gum will be peeled away quickly. Wash the plastic fabric: find a clean soft cloth, dip the sofa or car seat of the plastic fabric after a few shower gel, to remove dirt and oil stains. Separate glasses: when the folded glass cannot be separated, drop a few drops of body wash along the side of the cup. The cup will be separated in a few minutes. Lubricate the pipe joint: use the lubrication of the shower gel to connect the water pipes with a few drops of body wash. The water pipes will be easy to connect.
cream bath
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