Blog 2017-08-14 16:32:55 aogrand 768
How to keep the room clean is a question we must consider in our daily life. Many people would argue that indoor air is definitely better than outdoor air. It's not. With the increase of the green area, the air quality has a good filtering effect. As an air fresheners wholesaler, various air fresheners are the most methods we use. However, many indoor plants that purify the air, their "power" is no worse than the air purifier. 1. Crane: the ability to absorb harmful chemicals in the air, more than air filters. Indoor carbon monoxide, nitrogen peroxide, and other volatile gases can be absorbed within 24 hours of a single pot of crane.If you did not receive our reply within 24hrs, please send to our alternative email: [email protected], or call +86-181.5100.0009 directly.
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