Soap Bars Can Help the Baby to Defecate
2017-09-27 19:40:31
The baby is constipated, cannot be according to platoon frequency is standard, it is to want to make a total observation of the quality and quantity of the baby's defecation, and want to see the health condition that has the influence to the child. Each child has a different physical condition, so there is a difference in the number of regular bowel movements. Complete feed milk baby daily stool frequency, for instance, maybe more, babies fed with milk and other dairy products may defecate 1 or 2 ~ 3 times daily, as long as the character and all normal, baby and no other discomfort, is normal. However, baby constipation can be solved by using
soap bar.
Baby constipation signal:
The amount of defecating is small and dry; The stool is difficult to expel, the defecation has the pain; Abdominal distension and pain; Loss of appetite.
Soap bar methods:
Wash your hands, and then peel the soap into a tapered bar of about 3 cm and a thin pencil. Use a little water to moisten the bar and then gently insert it into your baby's anus. Also try to let the bar of soap stay inside the anus more time, in order to achieve sufficient stimulation the action of smooth movement. If the above method does not work, should take the baby to the hospital in time, check whether it is because of other disease and cause constipation. When the baby exceeds 3 days to be confused with the stool or the stool is harder than normal, defecation is very difficult, must be constipation. Infant constipation is a common symptom, according to a different cause of constipation can be divided into two categories, the category is functional constipation, more see this kind of constipation, recuperated through diet and lifestyle can be recovered. The other type is constipation caused by congenital intestinal malformation, which can not be cured by general conditioning, and must be cured by surgery. Most pediatric constipation is functional constipation.
Soap bar
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